
Jewish Family & Child Service Counseling Services:

The Children’s Program:

OK Clarity Jewish therapist directory + community:

Mental Health Match Search Platform:

Addiction Treatment helps people find local Narcotics Anonymous meetings and provides resources for various types of treatment including inpatient, outpatient and support groups. provides info for people at any stage of their recovery journey, including info on different types of therapy/recovery options, warning signs, how to talk to a family member, definitions of different types of treatment and a local treatment center directory.  is about providing the most complete list of free, low-cost, sliding scale, and low-income assisted rehab lists on the Internet. We scoured thousands of non-profit organizations that provide alcohol, drug, another other assistance with substance abuse rehabilitation. is a network of addiction treatment facilities that provide drug and alcohol detox, support, and comprehensive substance abuse treatment services to the individuals and families struggling with addictions.

Mental Health/Wellness Resources

Mittleman Jewish Community Center Fitness & Wellness:

The Blue Dove Foundation:

Institute for Jewish Spirituality Resources for Challenging Times:

A Way In (Mindfulness):


Here. Now. Teen Mental Health Conversation:

HereNow Teen Mental Health App: