
11 2025

18th Annual Winter Sephardic Film Festival

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Congregation Ahavath Achim 6686 SW Capitol Hwy
Portland, OR 97219
5032270010 info@ahavathachim.com

Contact Melissa Abu

18th Annual Winter Sephardic Film Festival
Join us on the second Tuesday of each month from December - April for a Sephardic Film followed by Sephardic desserts and discussion.

Admission is free and open to all!

December 10 - Read Sea Diving Resort
January 14 - Glickman
February 11 - American Jerusalem: Jews and the Making of San Francisco
March 11 - Hand in Hand
April 8 - Righteous Enemy

Lee & Sharon Cordova, Renee Ferrera, Eve Stern & Les Gutfreund, Mike Jaffe, Richard & Judi Matza, Albert A. & Julie Menashe; Shawn & Stephanie, Hudson, Mason Menashe, Albert J. & Esther Menashe, Barry & Susan Menashe, Ron & Pam Sidis, Oregon Jewish Community Foundation, Jewish Federation of Greater Portland