Join dancers at Israeli Folk Dancing at the SW Community C enter for 2 1/2 hours, 2:30-4:50. Bring snacks to share if you want! We welcome everyone $6, $5 seniors. Send your dance requests to Sue at
For beginners, Sue will teach in the room next to the studio at 2:30-3:30, while Rhona leads open dance.
Location: SWCC is on the southwest corner of SW Vermont and 45th. Parking is in lots behind the building, and across Vermont in the shopping center lot. SWCC address is 6820 SW 45th Ave. 97219
Participants 14+ welcome!
We look forward to seeing you!
Sue and Rhona
For questions, email Sue at
For ALL the Portland area sessions and classes visit:
FB: Israeli Folk Dancing in Portland, OR - timely info
Web: PIFD News, - basic info