Event briefs Dec. 9, 2020

PHOTO: UO President Michael Schill, left, and PSU President Stephen Percy.

College: A Conversation on Zoom Dec. 17
University of Oregon President Michael Schill and Portland State University President Stephen Percy will discuss college during COVID at 7 pm, Dec. 17, on Zoom.
Current and future university students (in Oregon and beyond) and their parents are invited to Zoom in to the conversation sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, Oregon Hillel and Greater Portland Hillel. 
JFGP President and CEO Marc Blattner will moderate the conversation and pose questions from the audience.
The conversation will focus on what the winter/spring semester will look like and what the application process will look like for incoming freshmen. jewishportland.org/college-conversation

COVID team presents mental health panel
Congregation Neveh Shalom’s COVID-19 Outreach and Services Team hosts a Zoom panel on mental health from 7 to 8 pm, Dec. 15. Our panel consists of two mental health experts, who will answer your questions about nurturing your mental health during what has been a deeply stressful year. 
Registrants can submit up to three questions, which will be asked anonymously by CNSCOS’s communications lead, JoAnna Wendel.
To put it lightly, 2020 has been a stressful year. Many of us might be struggling with new mental health concerns brought on by stress, or worsened mental health conditions. If you’re looking for coping mechanisms or have questions about mental health in general, tune in to CNSCOS’s panel.
We’ll be joined by Dinah Gilburd, Licensed Clinical Social Worker at Jewish Family and Child Service, and Mitch Elovitz, Licensed Professional Counselor. 
Register at tinyurl.com/CNSCOSMentalHealth 

Community Wellness Havdalah Jan. 9
The winter is always a dark time in Portland, this year especially so with the ongoing challenges of the COVID pandemic. Come together in community to nurture our mental health and wellness and celebrate the start of a new week with a special Havdalah Service at 6 pm, Jan. 9, on Zoom.
The Br’iut & B’rachot (Health and Blessings) Havdalah is part of a communitywide effort around mental health and wellness in January. The Jewish Federation of Greater Portland has curated a mental health web page with resources and opportunities at jewishportland.org/wellness.
The Wellness Havdalah will be co-led by Community Chaplain Rabbi Barry Cohen and Cantorial Soloist Ilene Safyan. 
“The upcoming wellness Havdallah is a wonderful opportunity to remember the connection between Shabbat and mental health,” says Rabbi Cohen. “Every week, we can look to Shabbat to create a separation between the stresses and strains of the regular week and the sanctity and restorative power of Shabbat.”
He adds, “Shabbat rest does not mean ‘doing nothing.’ Rather, it is about ‘doing differently.’ We can act with a greater sense of intention in order to care for our bodies and spirits. The Wellness Havdallah is a reminder to embrace the restorative power of Shabbat, and to carry a sense of self-care into the regular week.”
Register at jewishportland.org/wellnesshavdalah

Find more virtual events
Find online cultural, educational and social programs from local organizations and congregations on the Community Calendar: jewishportland.org/community-calendar/online-events




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