Two distinctly different workshops on Compassionate Listening led by Joanie Levine and Yehudah Winter...
Compassionate Listening is a powerful set of skills with the goal of healing the world by transforming conflict into understanding, from the most intimate level to interactions more broadly in our lives and world.
From 1:30-3:00 p.m., participants are invited to a Conversation Cafe and slide show on the group's work in Israel-Palestine. From 3:30-5:30 p.m., you can learn more deeply about and practice the Art of Compassionate Listening.
This is part of an exhibition running from 7/10 through 8/21. Every Sunday afternoon and evening, there will be a number of additional programs and concerts happening. The last day, Rabbi Ted Falcon will be part of a panel, the Interfaith Amigos, from 1:30-4:00.
More info
Cosponsored by the P’nai Or Tikkun Olam Committee
Sponsor: P'nai Or of Portland