
20 2016

Purim for Preschoolers

2:00PM - 3:30PM  

Cedar Sinai Park / Robison Jewish Health Center 6125 SW Boundary Street
Portland, OR

Contact Becky Ewer

Purim for Preschoolers

Join other young families to celebrate Purim at Cedar Sinai Park, Portland’s Jewish Senior community. Dress in your favorite costume or as a Purim character! Make groggers, sing songs with Justin Jude Carroll, join the parade, eat Hamentashen, and help give out Mishloach Manot bags!

At Rose Schnitzer Manor, Goodman Hall in Cedar Sinai Park
6140 SW Boundary Street, Portland OR 97221

Free! Please RSVP:

Sponsored by Portland Jewish Academy, Cedar Sinai Park, and PJ Library.