Sharing a True Picture of Israel

Photos courtesy of Vern Uyetake, Lake Oswego Review

Because of your support and the work of StandWithUs Northwest, Timna Rockman, pictured left, is serving as a shelicha, or emissary, from Israel, and sharing Israeli culture with American students in an effort to correct common prejudices about the Israeli-Arab conflict. She is currently a house guest of Michelle Minch and her family in West Linn, a member of our Jewish Community Relations Council.

Timna was handpicked to share Jewish heritage and promote an understanding of Israel and its ideals throughout the world, sharing stories of her life in Israel with teens at local schools. She will share details of all aspects of life, including similarities and differences in teen life, what the culture and food are like, stories about her schooling and years in the Israeli army and more.


AND watch this inspiring video about the work of the Jewish Community Relations Council...



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