Job listing questions? Contact Caron Blau Rothstein at or 503.245.6449

Full Time

Accounting and Administrative Associate

Oregon Jewish Community Foundation 1618 SW 1st Ave., Ste. 210, Portland OR

Part Time

Holocaust Survivors' Services case manager

Jewish Family and Child Services 1221 SW Yamhill St., Portland OR

Full Time

Clergy Assistant and Lifecycle Coordinator

Congregation Beth Israel 1972 NW Flanders, Portland OR

Full Time

Program Director (Assistant Camp Director)

Camp Solomon Schechter Tumwater WA

Full Time

Communications Marketing Specialist

Congregation Neveh Shalom 2900 SW Peaceful Lane, Portland OR

Part Time

PART TIME Sephardic Spiritual Leader

Congregation Ahavath Achim 6686 SW Capitol Highway, Portland OR

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