Assuring Jewish Tomorrows


The act of creating a legacy empowers you to complete the work of your heart and to enjoy the peace that it brings.


In one way or another your life is rooted in Jewish experiences connecting you to the Jewish community.  Chances are you already support Jewish charitable organizations in Oregon, but have you included these organizations in your will or estate plan?  By leaving a legacy, you can assure that the traditions and institutions that mean so much to you today will exist for future generations.


Your legacy gift of any size can be customized and structured to fit your dreams, lifestyle, family, and financial needs.  You can provide support for a particular organization or area of interest.


To discuss planning a legacy gift,
contact Wendy Kahn at 503.892.3015.


"As my parents planted for me before I was born,
so do I plant for those who will come after me." - Talmud


Why Life & Legacy?

To cultivate a culture of legacy giving

All of us, regardless of age, wealth or affiliation, have the ability to leave a legacy.

To foster camaraderie and respect among Jewish organizations

In partnership with Oregon Jewish Community Foundation and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, Jewish Federation of Greater Portland collaborates with other agencies and synagogues.

To inspire others to give generously

This program gives forward-thinking members of our community an opportunity to express their passion, purpose, and commitment to our future.