The Mission of Dignity Grows is to empower our neighbors in need by providing free menstrual and basic hygiene supplies that allow them to engage in
everyday life.

There are three ways to become involved.

Join One Of Our CommitteesSponsor A Tote / Attend a Packing Party and Volunteer
For more information, contact Wendy Kahn at





Donate A Tote!
A $12 donation will buy a tote filled with a month’s worth of hygiene supplies, including three packages of menstrual products.

Did you know  every month, many of our low-income neighbors struggle to afford menstrual products, often having to choose between buying food or essential hygiene supplies. This lack of access to basic hygiene needs may make menstruators feel helpless or embarrassed, cause them to miss school or work, and  put their health at risk.

Menstrual hygiene supplies are not covered by SNAP, WIC or other government programs and are rarely available at food pantries. Fortunately, Oregon passed the Menstrual Dignity Act in 2021, making period products available and free in all Oregon public schools, deeming them as necessary as toilet paper. However, these basic supplies may not be available at home. 

Attend a packing party, where we assemble the totes that go to our neighbors in need!

Thank you to our volunteers and donors!

Dates for next year’s packs:

March 2, 2025

May 18, 2025

How We Are Reaching Our Neighbors in Need:

These local organizations distribute Dignity Grows totes on a regular basis to the varied
communities they serve.

Thank you to our Grantees:

Leonard + Lois Schnitzer Charitable Supporting Foundation of OJCF
Jewish Federation’s Women’s Giving Circle
Oregon Jewish Community Youth Foundation
Jewish Federation of Greater Portland