The Community Calendar is a resource for the Greater Portland Jewish community. The events on this calendar are not necessarily endorsed by the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland.

Community Calendar

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Calendar questions? Contact Caron Blau Rothstein,


1 2019


30 2019

Spring Monthly Mitzvah Projects

Each month the MJCC and PJA communities will collect items for the monthly mitzvah.Â…


8 2019

Partners Portland

7:45PM - 8:40PM  

Mittleman Jewish Community Center
6651 SW Capitol Hwy
Portland, OR

Every Monday night, come together and study our heritage and Torah. No matter what background or affiliation,  join …


8 2019

The Pesach Lowdown

8:00PM - 9:00PM  

Women are invited to join Aviel Brodkin at her home to hear the "Pesach Lowdown," the inside scoop on prepping for P…