
20 2023

JFCS Mental Health Spotlight: Chronic Pain & Mental Health

JFCS offers Mental Health Spotlight to shine a light on areas where all people – children through older adults, including self-identified disabled members of our community – struggle and can seek help. Mental Health Spotlight’s goal is community outreach and providing pertinent information about topics our clinicians are tuned in to through their client work.

Mental Health Spotlight is not one-on-one therapy. It offers groups, workshops and presentations — spaces for anyone in the community to connect with others and share what’s on their mind.

Zoom Link: https://jfcs-portland-org.zoom.us/j/92874479617?pwd=bEpUWUdqQm9LdnBUNm1TVTk3aDUwdz09

Sponsor: The Holzman Foundation