
3 2024

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 with Havurah Shalom

9:00AM - 1:30PM  

Tiffany Center 1410 SW Morrison Street
Portland, OR 97205

Contact Rachel Pollak
(503) 248-4662, ext. 2

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 with Havurah Shalom

Our Rosh Hashanah Day 1 services will take place at the Tiffany Center. Most of the services will also stream on Youtube at youtube.com/channel/UCSswIr-kynA2BygY9C3DJOg/live

Service Schedule for Rosh Hashanah Day 1:

9:30 am - Rosh Hashanah Morning Services
9:30 am - 5785—A Sweet Year for Wee Jews (ages 0-5)* — RSVP at havurahshalom.org/event/a-sweet-year-for-wee-jews-0-5-rosh-hashanah-service.html
10:30 am - Rosh Hashanah Family Service (ages 5+)* — RSVP at havurahshalom.org/event/ip-rosh-hashanah-family-service1.html
10:30 am - Torah Service
10:30 am - Middle School Discussion*
11:30 am - Children’s Aliyah
12:30 pm - Musaf/Additional Service

Asterisked items will not be streamed online.

Visit our High Holidays page at .havurahshalom.org/high-holidays for complete information on celebrations and observances at Havurah Shalom.

All are welcome to sign up for our free High Holidays childcare services. To guarantee a spot for your child(ren) in child care for any and all time slots, complete and submit your RSVP (havurahshalom.org/form/hh-2024-high-holidays-child-care-rsvp.html) by Tuesday, Sept. 17. Childcare walk-ins will be welcome depending on space.