
2 2024

Spiritual, Nourishing, Timely —Outdoor Rosh Hashanah at Gesher

5:30PM - 8:30PM  

Contact Rabbi Laurie Rutenberg

Spiritual, Nourishing and Timely Outdoor Celebration of Rosh Hashanah at

Gesher - A Bridge of Nourishment and Welcome to Jewish Living

Rabbi Laurie Rutenberg and Rabbi Gary Schoenberg invite you to their home in the forest to celebrate the New Year with a delicious, celebratory meal, candlelight, and conversation about where we are at this moment in our lives -both  individually and collectively. The evening will offer an opportunity to share, in community, what we are yearning for, in this collectively painful time, to make our world more whole and will provide an opportunity to pray in the beauty and silence of the forest supported by the sounds of Rosh Hashanah melody.

Rosh Hashanah Dinner is a Festive Pot-luck Vegetarian meal. If you are able, please share your culinary gifts with us,, and let us know what you will be bringing..

RSVP is necessary. Space is limited. Your contributions enable Gesher to be Jews and their loved ones who haven't yet found a Jewish place to call Home, for whatever reason.   Please be generous if you can. RSVP and donations at www.ourjewishhome.org  Questions: Call Rabbi Laurie at 503 246-5070

Gesher is in SW Portland.  The address is at www.ourjewishhome.org.