Jewish Genealogical Society of Oregon

PO Box 19736
Portland, OR 97280

P: 971-266-0005

The Jewish Genealogical Society of Oregon (JGSO) is devoted to developing, preserving, and distributing Jewish genealogical knowledge and materials to others who may be searching their Jewish roots. We use print and electronic resources, as well as our ties with the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS). One of JGSO's aims is to share resources, techniques, and data for researching family histories, both locally and worldwide, with other individuals and genealogical organizations. Click here to read the JGSO Bylaws.

JGSO maintains an e-mail distribution list to which we post meeting notices, notices about JGSO activities, and other information of interest to Jewish genealogy researchers. Send a message to for a free subscription to the distribution list.

JGSO maintains a library at Congregation Neveh Shalom, 2900 SW Peaceful Lane, Portland, Oregon 97201. The holdings include 128 Yizkor books, more than fifty basic works about finding Jewish ancestors, newsletters from around the world, microfiche data published by Avotaynu, The International Journal of Jewish Genealogy, and back issues of Avotaynu.  Access to the Library's resources is free to all.

The JGSO Board is elected by the membership each year. 

Janice M. Sellers, President, Programs

Eva Garland, Vice President, Membership

Barry Kast, Treasurer

Linda Wolfe Kelley, Secretary 

Julie Welch, Member at Large, Webmaster

Rochelle Silver, Member at Large

Steven Katz, Member at Large

For additional information,  e-mail  or write to Jewish Genealogical Society of Oregon, PO Box 19736, Portland, Oregon 97280.

To become a member or find out more about membership, go to our membership page.