Next Generations Group dedicated to serving Greater Portland area descendants of/and Holocaust survivors, child survivors, and refugees, and friends in the community who want to help keep their stories and lessons alive and relevant.
Next Generations Group, formed in 2011, is comprised of descendants of Holocaust survivors and refugees, and also includes survivors, refugees and other supporters impacted by the Holocaust who want to keep the stories alive and relevant. The group meets in the Portland, OR area for social, educational, and service projects.
We thank the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education and Congregation Beth Israel for their in-kind support.
For more information, or to subscribe to or unsubscribe from the email list for Next Generations Group monthly email announcements, please contact Diana Lindemann, Next Generations Group co-coordinator, at, or call 503-312-2530. Our website is Find us on Facebook for the most current news at “Next Generations Group.”
We have a social group email list! To receive occasional email invites for social outings like movie nights, dinner nights, upcoming events, etc. please email Nurit at to be put on the Next Gen social group list.
Next Generations Group includes survivors and refugees too. If you are a survivor or refugee and would like to receive emails about info and events please contact our survivor liaison Debbi Montrose at
If you are interested in starting a 2nd Generation Discussion/Support Group please contact, or call Diana at 503-312-2530
For interest in sending and receiving info about Social justice issues and events please contact Richard Lazere at