PHOTO: Next year at Tiffany Center; this year Havurah Shalom's High Holidays are in a virtual tent.
For 40 years now, Havurah Shalom has opened its High Holidays services to the community. Admission is free and no tickets are required. Last year about 1,000 people attended Havurah’s High Holidays services at the Tiffany Center.
This year, as always, Havurah Shalom programs and services are open to everyone. What’s different in 2020/5781: we are gathering online, in our new “virtual tent.” You can use your mobile phone or computer to join us. To register, go to https://cvent.me/PqAKXD
Havurah’s announcement for this year’s services says: “To say this holiday cycle is different doesn’t begin to the describe the strain we are all experiencing during the pandemic. More than ever, we need one another. We need the anchor and renewal of our ancient traditions. We need our teachings to understand how to live right now. If you are worried, lonely or grieving, join us. If you are restless, join us. If you are hungry for change, join us. If you are eager for a feeling of community, join us. We are here …. We are proud to continue
our tradition of offering ticketless High Holidays to anyone who wishes to attend and as always, we welcome your donations.”
Virtual Tent is what Havurah Shalom is calling the secure online platform the congregation invested in this year to allow us to congregate safely during the pandemic. (Virtual, because it is on the Internet. Tent, because it’s where we gather.) Our tent is customized from Cvent, a trusted platform that’s widely used for professional conferences. The platform is de-signed to allow a large group of people, such as our community, to access a variety of live events (services or classes or meetings happening in real time) as well as other resources on demand (speakers on video, recorded songs, printed materials).
Havurah’s High Holidays programs kicked off the month of Elul and will continue through Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah. A complete schedule of services and programs is on the Havurah website calendar. Members and nonmembers alike may click on this link to go to the registration site. Fill out the form, hitting Submit at the end. Your confirmation email will contain a link to the web portal, where all programming will take place. You can access the web portal right away by signing in on your browser. Another email will arrive within 48 hours with a link to download our app, which gives an experience identical to the web portal, just for your handheld devices. That’s all you need to do to easily connect with our many High Holiday offerings.
Information on services and registration is also available at havurahshalom.org. Questions: info@havurahshalom.org.
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