Summer camp, like many institutions, is in jeopardy this summer. Camp directors and their boards are busily working to develop contingency plans to reopen in accordance with national and state health guidelines. To assist camps during this unprecedented time, the Harold Grinspoon Foundation has created the All Together Now matching grant to offer access to a $10 million emergency fund through its JCamp 180 program.
B’nai B’rith Camp, located on the Oregon coast, is one of about 100 nonprofit Jewish summer camps across North America eligible to receive $1 from the HGF for every $2 raised from other donors through the end of 2020.
Since 1921, BB Camp has built a strong, immersive community based on shared ideals, serving over 1,200 overnight and day campers each summer. BB Camp is developing plans in hopes of welcoming its first campers beginning June 29.
“Whether we have a full camp season this summer or fewer sessions at lower capacity, we’re doing everything we can to ensure that we’ll be able to continue to provide meaningful, magical experiences for Jewish children in future summers,” says BB Camp Executive Director Michelle Koplan. “But we need the help of the entire community to work toward that goal, and we’re hopeful that the matching component of the All Together Now grant will bring us the necessary funding to achieve our goals.”
Since launching JCamp 180 15 years ago, the HGF has invested $35 million in Jewish overnight and day camps throughout North America as well as provided training and support to boards of directors and professional leadership.
“The timing of the COVID-19 pandemic is hitting camps especially hard. We don’t yet know the full extent of the resources that camps will need to weather this storm, but we know they need extra cash flow now, and their needs will be significant if camps can’t open this summer,” says HGF founder Harold Grinspoon. “Jewish summer camp is a transformative experience for more than 90,000 children and young adult counselors each summer and is vital to our Jewish community. We hope that this new $10 million commitment will inspire others to help with needed funds to protect and sustain Jewish camp at this critical moment.”
In addition to the All Together Now matching grant, JCamp 180 mentors will continue to assist camp leadership with contingency planning, strategic communications and navigation of financial resource opportunities.
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