The COVID-19 Emergency Fund to address emerging needs within the Jewish community related to the COVID-19 pandemic has raised $726,000.
Portland was the first Jewish community in America to start a special campaign, and the results have been outstanding. The emergency campaign was launched by the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, Oregon Jewish Community Foundation and generous community leaders. Last week, the community was invited to contribute, as well.
During a March 26 Jewish Federation of North America virtual meeting of mid-size Federations, Portland received many kudos from communities that have followed our lead, said JFGP’s Wendy Kahn, who was on the call. “We took the lead in the country and started our campaign first,” added Kahn, associate director of financial resource development.
The Jewish Community Organization Grant Request forms were sent to local agencies Friday, March 27.
“We have set a plan in motion to allocate the funds to five priority areas,” said JFGP President and CEO Marc Blattner. “We recognize this crisis will last several months, and our goal is to stretch our dollars as long as possible.”
Task forces have been created for the five funding priorities:
• Emergency Financial Assistance/Mental Health Support
• Social Isolation/Friendly Reassurance (volunteer management)
• Jewish Organization Capacity/Support for Employees
• Religious/Spiritual Services and Needs
• Youth Programming/Jewish Educators.
These task forces will review grant requests from Jewish organizations and make recommendations to a Steering Committee, made up of volunteer and professional leaders, who will make final funding decisions.
The first funding decisions will be made later this week. All funding decisions will be shared with the community.
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