APRIL QUESTION: How will you connect for Pesach during "Stay Home, Save Lives"?
Here are two replies we received before Passover began:
My son and daughter-in-law are hosting a virtual seder in Cincinnati via Zoom. It will be my first experience with Zoom, and I'm really looking forward to it. As for the meal itself, since I live alone, Elephant's Deli will be delivering everything I need! Hag Sameach!
Linda Stern
We are doing Seder on Zoom for 20 families.
Sondra Pearlman
MAY QUESTION: For the May issues of the Jewish Review, we invite your reply to:
What is your favorite app or online resource to stay connected?
Email your reply to editor@jewishportland.org
Replies (edited to 150 words or fewer) will be included in a future issue of the Jewish Review. All replies may not be published.
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