PHOTO: Virtual tour guide Yoni Zierler leads participants on a Zoom tour of the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem's Old City.
Reconnect to Jerusalem with a live, interactive tour of the Old City’s Jewish Quarter at 12:30 pm, Dec. 13, on Zoom.
This fascinating hourlong video tour with master guide Yoni Zierler is co-sponsored by Neveh Shalom’s Israel360, Men’s Club, and Sisterhood and StandWithUs Northwest. Blending history, storytelling and trivia, Yoni will help bring extra light to your Chanukah.
Explore the deep and rich Jewish connection to Jerusalem as you hear the stories and see the sights of those who called Jerusalem their homes many centuries ago. Then take that memorable walk down the stairs to overlook the Temple Mount and the Western Wall Plaza. The tour culminates at the Western Wall itself, where Yoni will insert your notes into the cracks of the ancient stones.
About 2,000 people have participated in the SWU tour. The Jerusalem tour is one of four offered by SWU Discover Tours, which launched this summer. SWU Discover presents a new way to experience Israel and walk the golden streets of Jerusalem, despite the current COVID-19 pandemic. It is the perfect way for participants of all ages to see Israel from up close – even when flights are grounded.
“These tours are live and interactive via Zoom, and you would be amazed how immersive it is,” says SWU Northwest Director Randy Kessler. “We typically take questions via chat and I moderate, so everyone can stay muted and hear the tour guide.”
Randy says participants can email a Word file in 8-point font before the tour. “I take those files and just forward them to our Jerusalem team, which prints them and puts them into the wall at the end of the tour.”
Israel360 presents monthly events on historical, cultural and political aspects of Israel.
To reserve your space, register and pay $10 per household at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Hqw6eqjlTwWXzpNjC8vhpQ
For questions, contact Michelle Caplan at mcaplan@nevehshalom.org.
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