On Sept. 1, Marc N. Blattner celebrated 10 years as president and CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland.
“To say that I am honored to serve in this role would be an understatement,” wrote Marc in his Marc’s Remarks weekly email last week. “I am proud of our volunteer leadership, our professional team and what we have accomplished over the past decade.”
JFGP Board Chair Lauren Goldstein describes Marc as an incredible person and leader.
“Creating a vibrant Jewish community in Portland is at the core of Marc’s purpose,” says Lauren. “His innovation, energy, creativity and passion are unmatched.”
“Whether it’s spearheading a community-wide effort to address the needs of our community during a pandemic or standing to the call of duty when any community member or organization needs insight or support – he mobilizes his team to meet the need,” she says.
The Aug. 1, 2010, Jewish Review headline that announced his hire read: Marc Blattner “right person at right time.”
In that article, Marc shared his broad vision: “Portland is a community that understands that it’s different than it was even 15 years ago. There has been tremendous growth in the population and the ways people connect Jewishly and express their Jewishness. Portland can be a laboratory for the rest of the country … let’s set a future course and understand today what success will look like in 10 years, 20 years, etcetera.”
Last week, Marc’s Remarks shared some examples of those successes of the past 10 years as well as reflections on some disappointments. You can read all about both at: jewishportland.org/marcs-remarks/10-years.
Ed Tonkin, immediate past chair of the JFGP board, served as chair for three years, one extra year beyond the normal two-year term. He calls serving alongside Marc “a highlight in my life.”
He goes on to describe Marc: “Passionate, caring, committed, innovative, inspiring, driven; these are just a few of the adjectives that immediately come to mind when I think of Marc Blattner. But the number one attribute that he has brought to our community and which has become a blessing to us all? His warm and loving heart.”
Lauren agrees wholeheartedly with that assessment: “He’s a warm and caring collaborator, friend and incredible community leader. Mazel Tov to 10 years Marc! We cannot wait for another decade!”
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