A Blessing From Prineville To Israel - October 13, 2023

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Marc's Remarks, a weekly column I write to the Jewish community.



This has been a very long week. And, I have written plenty. So how about I share some important highlights with you.


First, many of you received this special and moving edition of the Jewish Review (click on the picture) that came out last evening. It shares deep personal stories of people in our community impacted by the terror attacks. I am grateful to editor, Rockne Roll, for publishing this so quickly.

If you currently do not receive the Jewish Review, click here.


As you know, the Jewish Federation is leading an Israel emergency campaign for trauma support, financial assistance, and the purchase of needed supplies. Our total goal was to raise $1 million -- with the support of the Stern Family and their extraordinary $500,000 matching challenge grant. As of this morning, we only need to raise an additional $60,000 to reach $1 million.


With the needs growing, our community

has set a new goal of $1,250,000!

We hope you will give generously!



Our Jewish community is grateful to the many elected officials who have spoken out loudly and clearly in support of the State of Israel and against terror and Hamas. I encourage each of us to reach out and thank them for their support. At the same time, urge them to work for the release of all hostages. It matters!


Here is one example of our local elected officials standing with Israel from yesterday. In other cities around the world, landmarks have been lit up in blue and white lights to stand in solidarity with the people of Israel. Thank you to Multnomah County Chair, Jessica Vega Pederson, and Commissioners, Sharon Meieran and Julia Brim-Edwards, for making possible the lighting of the Morrison Bridge blue and white for five nights (last night was the first night) and their strong statement of support for Israel.

I encourage you to take your own photos of the bridge and share on social media.


This all follows what Mindy Zeitzer, Jewish Federation Chair of the Board, shared at our gathering Monday night. Follow three letters:


F.A.P. -- Financial support...Advocate...Go Public.


Finally, an interesting and inspiring story. Marvin Harris, who referred to himself as the "only Jew in Prineville," passed away in September 2022 just shy of his 95th birthday. He had no children and we soon learned that he left his entire estate (we had no idea of the value) to the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland. What was so interesting at the time, some 10 months ago, is that the interest income from his estate was earmarked for orphans in Israel. Orphans in Israel? Why? "How many are there?" we asked ourselves. Aren't there "better" uses with that money?


Fast forward to today, with the recent terror attacks, tragically, there are many more orphans. At the end of this month, the Jewish Federation will receive approximately $3.25 million from Marvin's estate to create a permanent endowment that can provide $150,000 per year to help those young children in Israel who lost their parents. A true blessing from Prineville to Israel -- and shows how your philanthropic wishes can serve someone's reality. Planned giving is important. Make sure your will has clear directions of what you want when it comes to your estate and charity.


This weekend’s Shabbat has been designated Israel Solidarity Shabbat. Jews around the world are lighting an extra Shabbat candle this evening. The Shabbat candles, a timeless symbol of Jewish hope and goodness, offer us a chance to add light to this darkened world. Let us unite with fellow Jews around the world and pray for the hostages, the families of victims, our courageous IDF soldiers, and all the people of Israel.


Shabbat shalom and stand with Israel!



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