Shabbat Shalom from Israel - March 24, 2023

Shabbat shalom from Jerusalem!


It is truly amazing that when you read this, 200 people from Portland (and a few other places) will be enjoying Shabbat dinner together. It has been a beautiful experience seeing the wonders in Israel – and we still have several more days to go.


Our visit, so far, has included the sights and sounds of Tel Aviv – the beautiful Mediterranean Sea, the crafts fair, open food markets, technology innovation, and thoughtful street art (think Banksy). Traveling north we visited the ancient Roman ruins in Caesarea (see photo below), stood in awe at the magnificent Bahai Gardens in Haifa, walked the Crusader fortress in Akko, and many in our group met our funding partners at Dror Israel. We gained a better strategic understanding of the Golan Heights, soaked in the outdoor adventures in the region, and cruised on the beautiful Kinneret (Sea of Galilee). And then, today, we drove south to explore the mystical city of Tzfat (Safed) on our way up to Jerusalem, where tonight we just shared a special moment praying together at the Kotel (Western Wall).






Jewish Federation of Greater Portland Israel at 75 in the Caesarea Amphitheater



I cannot express to you the specialness and feelings on this trip. Being with multi-generational families, people ages 6-85, most of who are first time visitors – under the auspices of the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland – makes me so proud.


I look forward to sharing more next Friday, as will our social media and the next issue of the Jewish Review.


From our “family” here in Israel to yours, Shabbat shalom.





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