
16 2023

Rosh Hashanah (Grades 4-7) Upper Elementary Service

10:00AM - 12:00PM  

Congregation Beth Israel
All who wish to join Congregation Beth Israel for the High Holidays are welcome to do so; please register in advance at 1972 NW Flanders St
Portland, OR 97209

Contact Congregation Israel

Rosh Hashanah (Grades 4-7) Upper Elementary Service
10:00 AM
In-Person ONLY
Pollin Chapel

Cantor Rayna Green and Religious School Music Teacher Jonathan Meek lead a Rosh Hashanah service designed for our students in fourth through seventh grades. This community-building service for our older, but not yet B’nei Mitzvah, students will feature our youth choir and band, the Oneg! Singers and Oneg! Band

Parents are welcome to attend this service with their children or to attend CBI’s Traditional Service in the Main Sanctuary as they prefer; participants in our Upper Elementary Service will be walked over to the Main Sanctuary to join the Traditional Service at 11:00 AM.


All who wish to join Congregation Beth Israel for the High Holidays are welcome to do so; please register in advance at