
19 2023

Havdallah Cafe Series: Lecture, Sacred Music of Moroccan Jews

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Eastside Jewish Commons
Event Link: 2420 Ne Sandy Blvd.
Portland, OR 97232


Contact Eastside Commons
FRee but please register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cantor-eyal-bitton-lecture-the-sacred-music-of-moroccan-jews-tickets-489079679487

$ Cost $ 0.00

Part of the EJC Havdallah Cafe Series: Through lecture and song, Cantor Eyal Bitton examines various elements of Moroccan sacred music - synagogue song, cantillation of sacred texts, the piyut (liturgical poetry), and life cycle songs. Moroccan Jews have a very rich and proud religious culture, and a varied and ancient musical tradition, reflecting its Moroccan milieu, its Andalusian heritage, and more. This is a free lecture. Open to the public, all ages. Please register:


Sponsor: Eastside Jewish Commons