P'nai Or's Siddur (prayer book) study class will resume on October 18 in the St. Mark's classroom or social hall. No knowledge of the prayer book or of Hebrew is required, and it's open to new students as well as returning students.
The purpose of the class is to gain an understanding of the multiple meanings behind each prayer, enriching our davenen (praying) experience and empowering us to pray more independently.
The first class will include an overview of the morning prayer service (Shacharit service). We'll talk about how the destruction of the second Temple changed our fundamental relationship with prayer, and we will review how the Shacharit service is a voyage through the four worlds of Kabbalah.
Although not essential, Bob Lowe requests that you email him at robert.a.lowe.pdx@gmail.com if you plan to attend, so that he can send you materials in advance of the class.
Classes will generally be the third Sunday of the month, 2:30 to 4:00 pm.
Each Adult Ed session is free for members, $10 for nonmembers.
Sponsor: P'nai Or of Portland