Celebrate the end of summer with P’nai Or and Shabbat in the Park on Friday evening Sept. 5.
Bring your own picnic, chairs, grill (if that is your thing), AND your musical instruments. We’ll eat first, then sing melodies (music provided) for Israeli-Style Kabbalat Shabbat. Our Hazzan, Baruch Morris, will be at our reserved picnic shelter at 5:30 PM and hopes to see most of you by 6:00. Candle lighting and services will be at 7:23 PM (18 minutes before sunset). We’ll be done around 8:35 PM. If you have lanterns, bring as many as you can so we can see after it gets dark.
Location: Wilshire Park (picnic shelter is approximately NE 35th and Skidmore). We look forward to moving into Elul while savoring the last days of summer with our P’nai Or Kabbalat Shabbat picnic.
All are welcome! For more information: admin@pnaiorpdx.org.