The month of Elul is a time set aside to cultivate the proper mindset for the upcoming High Holidays – the time we reflect on the past year, focus on the forthcoming year, and how we can connect more deeply to ourselves with others, and with G-d.
As part of our Elul class offerings, The Portland Kollel is excited to host Rabbi Yosef Shapiro, who will speak about the struggles and the path to parenthood. His powerful story offers a glimpse into the world of infertility, suffering, and connecting with G-d in the midst of hardship.
Rabbi Yosef Shapiro grew up in Baltimore, MD, and completed his MBA in investment banking while simultaneously learning in yeshiva. He received semicha from the Jerusalem Kollel, under the leadership of R' Yitzchok Berkovits, and is now the Senior Rabbi of the Brookhaven Kollel, a kiruv/outreach community outside of Atlanta that he and his wife, Rookie, started from scratch. Rabbi Shapiro also counsels couples from around the world who are struggling with infertility.