
17 2015

Tot Shabbat at Havurah Shalom Oct 17

10:30AM - 11:30AM  

Havurah Shalom: Reconstructionist 825 NW 18th Ave
Portland, OR

Contact Teri Ruch
503-248-4662 ext. 4

Young children (0-5) and their parents celebrate Shabbat with singing, movement, blessings, and storytelling.

We touch on the main highlights of the Shabbat morning service: wonder, fun, song, listening to the world, dancing, and Torah. Afterwards, we enjoy an informal oneg nosh and the chance to play and schmooze. Led by Deborah Eisenbach-Budner.

RSVP at RSVP@havurahshalom.org by Oct. 14.

Photo taken at a Tot Shabbat by Barbara Gundle